Sunday, October 19, 2014

Elizabeth Turns Six

It was a crisp, sunny Sunday morning, much like today, that Elizabeth came into this world. It's hard to believe it's been six years. As I look back at our photos, I'll admit that it's hard to remember life BT (Before Triplets.) But when I look at her at 4, it feels like that's her natural age to be, and I imagine I'll still be looking at her when she's 16 thinking, Aren't you still four years old? 

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. All adolescent behavior aside, she's still got a while before we reach that point. Let's take a moment to remember Elizabeth, one year at a time:

2008. Hello, world!

She was a doll from the get-go.
 2009. One Year—Bald and Beautiful
Her swing obsession had an early start.
 2010: Happy 2nd Birthday! Here's three younger siblings!

We all started taking what comfort we could from food.
2011: Three! 

She finally got hair and her own birthday party.
 2012: 4 and On Top of the World.

I hope she never stops climbing.
 2013. The Big 5.
By now she knows what birthdays are all about and this time it was all about Burger King.

2014: Six Years Old!

Elizabeth has been planning her birthday for months. She wanted a "Frozen Party," (which only family attended, but we did have goodie bags!) a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese's, and to go apple picking. Not ambitious at all, right? 

It was our first trip ever to the Chuck Man's and I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun it was. Twenty bucks for enough tokens for the kids to play games for a good two hours. Not bad at all. 
I think she only wanted to go to get redemption prizes. 
We'd been meaning to go apple picking since fall began, but this was the first Saturday with cooperative weather and no other big plans. We went up to Penning's Orchard in Warwick, NY. The best part for Adam and me was the drive through all the fall foliage. It was stunning. 


We picked out some pumpkins, too.
 Elizabeth is growing up so fast. She loves Kindergarten and her teacher, Mrs. O'Malley (who lives across the street.) She loves riding her bike, climbing trees, putting on dance performances, doing crafts, and being the little leader of her triplet minions. She's taking ballet classes for the first time this year, but she says she doesn't want to be a ballerina. Right now, she's leaning towards being a "girl police." She tries her best in everything she does. She has a very tender heart but she's already starting to grumble when I try to smother her with kisses. *sniff* She's learning to read, loves making herself worksheets of arithmetic problems, and is still and ever more will be a daddy's girl. 

We love you, Elizabeth. Happy 6th birthday!


  1. Love love love this!

  2. She really has been gorgeous from the moment she was born. Happy birthday to E, and congrats to you on a marvelous child. Wish I could meet her and talk about her curly hair and books.
